The Girl Who Stole an Elephant
The children have started a new adventurous story linked with our theme: India.
Year 4, in guided reading, have been enjoying ‘The Girl Who Stole an Elephant’ book, over the last few weeks. The main character, Chaya, steals the Queen’s jewels and her best friend Neel is accused of stealing them. He is imprisoned in the Royal Complex awaiting the death sentence and Chaya is determined to rescue him. This has given us inspiration to be able to write in our English lessons, our own part of the story, about how Chaya will plan and carry out his rescue.
Some of the children have shared their thoughts on the book.
- “I love the book as Chaya is adventurous. You don’t often get girls being adventurous in books. Neel is also very creative as he is a carpenter.” Siya HB5
- “I am really enjoying the book a lot as it is different to other books I have read. I am particularly enjoying the idea of the life and death scenario of Neel.” Anthony HB6
- “A great book as it is adventurous and has lots of twists.” Aiden HB7
- “I have taken out another book in this series from a MK library because I have enjoyed this book so much, especially as it has animals in it. I want to read more of her books so I can go on more adventures.” Ulyana HB8