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Our celebrations for the King's coronation

To celebrate the coronation of King Charles III, we all dressed in the national colours of red, white and blue. On the lead up to the coronation, there were lots of history lessons delivered about the monarchy and every child in the school worked on a collaborative art piece with Mrs Carter. We ran 2 different competitions for the children to get involved in if they wanted to. Finally, the whole school community came together on the Friday for a picnic to mark this historic event.

To watch a video showcasing all of our celebrations, please visit: 


Coronation competition winners

"Design the crown" creative competition should show designs which include
* important values for a new era and hopes for the future OR
* something to represent an important part of King Charles' life

The winners were:

Year 3: Navyaa, HB2 and Vanessa, HB3

Year 4 : Alessia, HB6 and Vyan, HB7

Year 5: Eloise, HB12 and Cerys, HB12

Year 6: Timi, HB14 and Tammy, HB16

"If I were a monarch for the day" writing competition was judged based on how big an impact we feel your day as a monarch would make to the future of the United Kingdom.

The winners were:

Year 3: Aylah HB1

Year 4: Aashvi HB6

Year 5: Alvin HB10

Year 6: Tammy HB16

The winners were celebrated in our VIP celebration assembly where they were awarded silver house tokens for their house and have all enjoyed a special afternoon tea fit for a king or queen.

Collaborative school art project

We were very excited to share with our families that every child at Loughton School has been busily creating a tapestry with Mrs Carter, all about the life of King Charles III and the finished piece is absolutely stunning. Each section shows a different aspect of his life, including passions and interests, whilst demonstrating previously learned art skills. For example, year 4 have created their sections in a mosaic design to commemorate his investiture as the Prince of Wales and year 3 have incorporated their knowledge of portrait drawings in a panel showing the royal family tree.


A parent of a year 4 child wrote to us afterwards and said:

The Coronation of a monarch within a lifetime is a monumental historic event and as adults in the future, children should be able to look back on such events in their past and relate specific celebrations to them.  The Coronation Picnic at Loughton School was part of this memory that children will have as they grow older.  To have been invited as a parent to join this celebration makes it even more special.  Sadly the weather was not on our side but having the picnic within the classroom actually meant that there was probably more interaction between families than if they had been spread out on the field.  There was a sea of red, white and blue as the children had been invited to wear colours of the Union Jack.  The children were all happy and excited and it was evident that they had really enjoyed sharing their lunchtime with their parents!


Our family picnic
by Rishika - year 6

As you all know, we had a picnic to celebrate our new monarch’s coronation. Many splendid snacks were brought in and we were joined by a few parents, too. Although we were meant to be enjoying in the sunshine outside on the field, we ate in the classroom as the weather wasn’t exactly on our side. It had been predicted to bucket down (with rain) like a waterfall so there were plans for the picnic to go on whatever the moody climate brought us. 

As the parents filed in to our classroom, every child’s face was a picture of pure hope as everyone hoped that their adult saunter in. My dad strode in like he had just won the lottery. He perched beside my me and my friends, then began handing out the scrumptious appetizers he had brought from home.  

We were all chattering away merrily: trading sweets, sharing smiles and laughing at our silly jokes. Until the time came where our parents had to leave. At this point we were all stuffed with our food. So I was giving away the leftover desserts I had as if it were to charity. We had fun and that’s all that matters.