Year 3, 4 & 5 Curriculum Evening
Tuesday 22 January at 7pm in the school hall.
As you will have seen in our school diary, we will be holding a curriculum evening for parents on Tuesday 22 January at 7pm.
This year, there will be a change to the content of the evening.
Over the last year, we have been developing our new, personalised curriculum. Mrs Green, who has been leading this, would like to take the opportunity to share this with you as parents. We would like to share with you the vision statement and the reason behind the changes we have made. As Ofsted have just recently announced a change to their inspections, focusing more on the curriculum than data, we feel we are ahead of the game.
As a whole school, we have taken on whole class guided reading. Miss Martignetti, who is the reading lead, will be giving a talk about how we now teach reading and the changes we have made. This will be beneficial to you when reading with your children at home.
We have also made some changes to our PSHE curriculum. Miss Richardson, who is the PSHE lead, will be giving a talk about how this now looks and why we are covering certain areas of the curriculum.
To end the evening, Miss Brago will be talking about Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM). This is a new area of the curriculum we are developing and we are very excited about the projects we have planned.
There will be some maths evenings coming soon. Mrs McNeaney and Mrs Green are currently planning these and the dates will be released in the next couple of weeks.
To book a place at the meeting, please complete the form sent to you via Parentmail. We have attached a copy below, but the Parentmail version can be sent in online instantly. If you do use a paper copy, please send it in to school as soon as possible. We will be providing light refreshments at the start of the evening. There will also be a crèche. Unfortunately, as none of our staff are Early Years trained, we can only take children who are toilet trained. If you would like to take advantage of the crèche, please also indicate this on the form, so we know the number of staff we need to have on site.
We look forward to seeing you on the evening.
Kind regards
Andy George, Rebekah Green & Ellie Frost
(Senior Leadership Team)