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Student Voice Groups

Summer 2024

The summer term proved to be a very exciting one for our School Council! 

First, we were able to spend some of the money raised on revamping our school library furnishings. Ideas were discussed, classmates' opinions sought, and votes taken to decide how the money should be spent. We now have two teepees erected with another one arriving soon, a selection of cushions and soft toys and a few blankets. The children across the school have been delighted with the re-vamp and library sessions are proving to be calmer and more relaxed. 

We continued with our biodiversity challenge and took some Year 3 children to the local allotments. A special mention must go to school councillor, William, in year 3, who wrote to the King about his concerns for the environment. As a result of the School Council's work with the Parish Council to improve the local area, we applied for a Picture News Impact Award. We recently discovered that we had been awarded GOLD status. 

We are incredibly proud of how hard this year's School Council have worked. We must say goodbye to Alex, Alexia, Niamh and Sara as they move on to secondary school. We wish them well and hope they will continue their journey by getting involved as they move on in education.  

Spring 2024

This term, the School Council had its busiest term, despite it being such a short term! After our successful fundraising last spring, which generated a great deal of new and exciting books for our school library, the School Council voted to raise more funds to go towards making the library a more comfortable and inviting area. A cake sale was held just before half term and raised £427.02 towards this venture. Our second Break the Rules Day will be held on the last day of the Spring term and funds raised will be added to this. Friday, 14 March saw the school community come together to raise funds for Comic Relief’s Red Nose day. Our non-uniform day raised £355.00 which was banked and will go towards helping those in need both here in the UK and across the world. Coming next term, we will be joining with the local Parish Council to improve some local land and support biodiversity – watch this space! 

Autumn 2023

Our newly elected School Council spent some time this term getting to know each other and discussing things they would like to achieve this year, as well as deciding which charities to support. 

They were very keen to promote our Christmas Giving tree, which has become a long-standing Loughton School tradition. They had lots of fun decorating the tree and designing posters encouraging people to donate new and nearly new items to benefit those less fortunate than themselves at a time of year that can be especially challenging for some families. We delivered over a hundred gifts (a very large car boot overflowing with items!) and the local Children’s Centre were delighted with the generosity of our Loughton School community. 

September 2023-24

As part of Loughton School’s commitment to creating citizens of the future through democracy, active school improvement and opportunities to create positive change, we are delighted to once again introduce our student voice groups as many and varied ways in which our children may have their voice heard. 

Please do use the tabs to find out more about each groups' priorities and what has already been achieved.

Student Voice representatives for 2023-24 have now been elected.

School council
LS News
Play leaders