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Year 4 Hinduism Day

This week, year four had a visit from Indri who runs Hinduism Education Services. 

This special day marks the start of our RE topic linked to our India theme this term. Indri spent the whole day with us and shared his vast knowledge with all the children. It was lovely to see so many dressed in bright clothing and we would also like to thank those children who came dressed in their own beautiful cultural dress.  

Indri told us many stories and the children had the opportunity to join in a huge range of activities which will help them to understand more about this fascinating world religion. We were very proud of the way the children listened and joined in respectfully. 

The children learned about some of the Hindu gods and had the opportunity to see a wide range of cultural objects.   

In the afternoon the children took part in a mock Hindu wedding with all the children having the chance to dress – up in costume.  The girls wore beautifully patterned Saris and were shown how to put them on. The children were amazed at how long the piece of fabric was. The boys were decked out in prayer shawls of different colours and turbans.  

Once everyone was in their costumes, with the children looking fantastic, the mock wedding ceremony could begin. It was a fun end to an interesting and informative day.