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Year 6 Bletchley Park Trip

Year 6 Bletchley Park Trip

This week, Year 6 travelled by train to Bletchley Park - the home of the code breakers. This trip was to support their learning of WW2 and to recognise how a local historical place in Milton Keynes played such a significant part in our victory over Germany.

The children had a fabulous day dressing up as the people, who would have worked at Bletchley Park. They heard about how they were recruited and the types of jobs they would have been expected to do. In a Codes and Cipher workshop session they had a chance to experience breaking codes and learnt how the Germans sent their messages via enigma machines. In Block 11, they visited the Bombe - the computer that was designed by Alan Turing and others to break the Germans codes. The children were fascinated by all of this. They were especially amazed that the workers had to never tell others what their jobs were – all TOP SECRET!

The whole day was full of information, WW2 artefacts, experiences of life at Bletchley Park and the history of WW2. The children were fully engaged the whole time. They all seemed to have enjoyed this unique learning experience and were a credit to the school on this visit.