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Visit to the Milton Keynes Library

Year 3's visit to the local children's library in Milton Keynes City Centre

On Monday and Tuesday this week, the year 3 children took a walk to the Milton Keynes Library where they received a very warm welcome.  They were given an introduction to the library and what is available to them. Before they were given the opportunity to explore the children's library, they shared a book with only two words! That's Bananas! All of the staff have commended the children on their stunning behaviour and responsible walking to and from the Milton Keynes Library. Well done year 3!

Remember, if you haven't already signed up for your FREE library card then please do here: 

As we draw to the end of the first half term, all of the staff members just wanted to congratulate the children of year 3 for a fantastic seven weeks.  They have settled into their new school beautifully and are living Loughton life to the fullest with trips, experiences and lots of learning! We hope that each and every one of you have a restful but fun half term break and we look forward to seeing you all again on Monday 30th October for our next half term.

The year 3 team.