Planetarium visit

On Monday 8th November Mr Mark Allen came into the school with his mobile Planetarium to launch our theme about space. Each class spent an hour inside the inflatable dome, which brought the Universe into Loughton School.
The children from HB9, 10, 11 and 12 were treated to virtual presentations of the Moon, The Planets, galaxies and star constellations brought to life through stunning images and Mark’s expert knowledge.
The children learnt all about how the Earth rotates on its axis and how we get different seasons, the phases of the moon and why it appears to change shape, fascinating fact s about the planets in our solar system to name just a few.
They also found out how the Ancient Greeks studied the stars and created stories about them and how we can find different constellations in the sky.
The children thoroughly enjoyed their experience and were buzzing about the different things they saw.
The pupils said that “they enjoyed how he explained about the planets” and that they “liked the way that the models explained the stars and what happens to the Earth. “