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Year 6 Blog 2023/24

June 2024

  • Exploring the Amazon Rainforest

    Published 29/06/24

    We found out what it was like to be a jungle explorer this week! 

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  • Cooking Day and Keeping Safe

    Published 21/06/24

    It's been another busy Friday! 

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  • Exciting Samba Rhythms!

    Published 14/06/24

    Year 6 took part in their South America Samba Drumming workshop this week!

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  • Shrink Art and Keeping Safe

    Published 14/06/24

    Year 6 have been continuing their Maya artwork and this week they have been exploring shrink art!

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  • Year 6 STEM week

    Published 07/06/24

    This week, year six children have been honing their computing skills in our immersive STEM week. We have been able to make use of the laptops to learn how to program the micro:bits to perform a variety of functions. 

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June 2024