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Rafts and ball games

Despite the hard preparation work still going on, we have found plenty of time to be practical this week. 

This week, our English lessons took a practical turn when we turned the classrooms into the Amazon jungle to task the children with making rafts. In our current reading book, "The Explorer" by Katherine Rundell, the four children decide to make a raft to escape to Manaus. Using twigs and string, the groups worked together to build a small raft which would float in the sink or tub and we tested each one using a variety of weights.

In HB16, we managed to get outside this week to find out about the logistics of the Maya game of pok a tok. It was played on a court 168m x 90m so we used a trundle wheel to measure the school playground and field. Then the children tried to have a go at practising the skills needed to play a ball game where you could not use hands or feet - extremely difficult!