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Whole School News

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  • Geography enrichment

    Published 02/05/24

    Geographers from across the school came together this afternoon to take part in a treasure hunt in the school grounds.

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  • Science enrichment

    Published 02/05/24

    How to Make a Straw Airplane

    Move over paper airplanes! This straw and paper airplane is easy to make (no origami involved!) and flies like a champ.

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  • Computing enrichment

    Published 23/04/24

    Learning new computing skills to prepare for the future.

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  • Millennium Meadow Planting

    Published 18/04/24

    Yesterday afternoon, our School Council had lots of fun planting wild flowers, including Ox-Eye Daisies, Honesty, Primroses and Geraniums, in the Millennium Meadow, which runs behind Bradwell Road, opposite the school. 

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  • Spring 2 - Writing Celebration Assembly

    Published 17/04/24

    We sadly ran out of time at the end of last term to celebrate our school writers so I was really pleased to be able to kick off this term with a really happy assembly to put a smile on the children's faces. 

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  • Spring 2 stars celebration assembly

    Published 16/04/24

    Well done to the latest award winners at the Spring 2 stars celebration assemblies! This was to celebrate those children who have consistently demonstrated one of our 5 star values throughout the half-term: resilient, respectful, creative, independent or inspiring.

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  • Urban Strides

    Published 22/03/24

    We have been very lucky to have some fantastic dance workshops as part of our PSHE curriculum, provided by Urban Strides this week.

    The children have been learning about how moving your body and keeping active can do wonders for your mental health. It's also a way to express yourself, so you can do as much or as little based on how you are feeling. 

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  • Maths Enrichment

    Published 15/03/24

    Today, children from years 3 - 6 were given 9 dot dominoes. They first had to find out if they had a complete set. All the children managed to order the dominoes systematically to form an argument to prove they had a full set. 

    The next challenge was to identify how many dots there were altogether without counting each individual dot. 

    Finally, for the children who were able to complete this, they then used their thinking to work out how many dots there would be in a set of 12 dot dominoes. 

    We were incredibly impressed with the resilience and focus they showed towards the task.

    Mrs McNeaney and Mrs Woodards

    Thank you to NRICH for inspiring a great task.

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  • World Book Day

    Published 15/03/24

    To mark World Book Day, the children took part in a ‘Secret Reader’ activity! Each teacher across the school secretly chose a story and the children signed up to the book they wanted to hear. In the afternoon, the children then took part in a fantastic book quiz created by Miss Garner and completed a range of reading activities in their classes. Some children also chose to dress up for the day and the costumes were so creative! Thank you for your support with this. 

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  • Writing Enrichment

    Published 28/02/24

    Have you been swept up in the flurry of excitement which has followed the publication of Matt Goodfellow's new book - The Final Year? 

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  • History enrichment

    Published 06/02/24

    Last week, a group of keen historians took part in our second history enrichment session of the year. 

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  • Spring 1 writing celebration assembly

    Published 02/02/24

    Today, we celebrated some brilliant dragon stories from year 3, adventure stories from year 4, Viking recounts from year 5 and some super poetry from year 6 children. 

    The writing was chosen by teachers for handwriting and presentation, improvement in quality, exciting storylines and accurate punctuation. 

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