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Important information about your child's return to school (including risk assessment)

Updated 3.9.2020

Please see the latest information about our return to school on Monday 7 September. 

Drop-off and pick-up times
Thank you to everyone who has chosen a drop-off and pick-up time.  If you have not requested a time, you have now been allocated 9.15am as your drop-off time as all the other slots are taken. Pick-up time will be 3.30pm.  Please ensure you stick to these times to support our efforts with minimising large crowds where possible. You and your child will not be allowed to come on school site until your time slot.  

Year 5 and 6 children will use the main gate on Bradwell Road, where they will be met by a member of staff.  Parents of year 5 and 6 children will not be allowed to enter the school premises at drop-off or pick-up times.  The children will be sent to the main gate at home time where they can be collected.  If you are allowing your child to walk to and from school alone, please write an email to your child’s class teacher to let them know.  Email addresses can be found on our website.

Year 3 and 4 children will use the side gates that go onto the school field along Paynes Drive.  Only one parent/carer is allowed on site and MUST maintain social distancing measures of 2m.  You will not be able to talk to the class teacher on the door, so if you need to inform them of something you will either need to email them or phone the main office and leave a message that will be passed on.  At home time, the children will leave via the classroom doors.  Again, please ensure you maintain social distancing measures of 2m.

If anyone is found to be breaking social distancing rules, you will not be allowed onto the school premises.

Bikes and scooters
Due to being unable to maintain social distancing measures around the bike shed area, the only year group that can ride bikes to school and leave them at school is year 6.  They MUST have a cycle permit (obtainable from reception) and wear a helmet or they will not be allowed to ride the bike home and you will be asked to come and collect it. If your child is in another year group and you want them to ride their bike to school, they can, but you must be able to take it home with you. 

Scooters are not allowed in school by any year group.  Again, if you want your child to ride a scooter to school, you will need to be able to take it home with you.

What does my child need to bring to school?
Your child needs to bring the following in a small named bag:
•    Packed lunch (if they are having packed lunches) 
•    Water bottle 
•    A healthy snack for break time
•    Hand gel (if you want them to have their own – we will provide this in school as well)
•    A coat if the weather is cold or wet 
•    Reading book and reading log (once these have been given out)
•    When the winter weather begins, we will be allowing slippers for indoor use. We will inform you nearer the time when your child can bring these in.
Please make sure you name everything so the children do not use someone else’s things by accident. 

PE days
During the first week, the children will be given their timetables.  They will then know when their PE days are for the week beginning 14 September.  On the days your child has PE, they will need to wear their Loughton PE kit and trainers to school.  All PE lessons will take place outside.  Please refer to the school website for what the Loughton PE kit looks like.  The children need sensible trainers that they can run and do all sports in. Plimsolls, pumps, Vans, TOMS etc are not suitable. 

Breakfast club and After-school club will be running as of Monday 7 September.  If you need to use our child-care provision and are unsure of how to book on please contact Lisa Moore on and she can help you. 

Contacting the School 
Where possible, we would ask you to phone into the main office (between 8.30am-4.00pm) with any questions or email if it is a general enquiry.  If it is a specific question, then the class teacher is the best person to email.  Please be mindful your child’s class teacher will be teaching during the school day but will try to reply to emails within 48 hours.  We will not be holding any face to face meetings with parents unless it is an emergency.  If you have to come to the main office, then please do so between the hours of 10am and 2pm.  You will need to wear a face mask to come into the reception area and we ask that only one person is in that area at a time. If you see someone already in our reception area, please wait outside.

Our lockdown fabulous Friday videos

Friday 27 March: Click here to watch a little video from us to you.

Friday 3 April: Click to watch what our wonderful children have been up to.

Friday 17 April:  The staff's Easter egg competition

Friday 24 April: The staff share what they have been up to

Friday 2 May:  The children share what they have been up to recently

Friday 8 May: Who do the staff lean on?

Friday 15 May: Not all heroes wear capes!

Friday 22 May: Never forget

Friday 12 June: Guess who challenge

Friday 19 June: Look what we've been up to!

Friday 26 June: Where in the school?

Friday 3 July: Staff's hidden talents!


Home learning

After the success of using padlet to support home learning during lockdown, we have decided to continue to use this for setting homework in replace of a homework book.  You can access the link to each year group padlet page by clicking onto our 'Teaching and Learning' tab at the top of this page.