Loughton School's giving tree
Once again, as is Loughton School’s tradition, we asked for your help to support disadvantaged families at Christmas, by giving new toys, games or books to the Milton Keynes Family Centres
This time last year we donated a record breaking amount of gifts - 267. We were so overwhelmed and thankful for this. We know that due to the impact of Covid, many of our families have had difficult changes to their circumstances and so we were not expecting an amount of donated gifts in the same region this year to have been donated. We were wrong.
Thanks to the kindness and generosity of our Loughton School family and thanks also to the donations from our PTSA of any unclaimed Christmas shop items, we were able to donate a fabulous 483 presents. We know there will be lots of smiles on Christmas day thanks to you all. What a generous Loughton School family we have.