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Science enrichment

How to Make a Straw Airplane

Move over paper airplanes! This straw and paper airplane is easy to make (no origami involved!) and flies like a champ.

I know it looks funny and you might be skeptical that these paper hoops can really fly. After all, most paper airplanes are flat with wings. But these “Hoopsters” are easy to throw and they fly in straight lines.

The children, in pairs, were challenged to make their best ‘Hoopster’ and take part in a ‘flying for distance’ competition. Year 3/4  competed together and year 5/6 competed together.

While making the ‘Hoopsters’, the children were encouraged to think and talk about the different variables that made up the planes and the impact that they would have on the flight of the airplane. By doing test flights, they adapted their airplanes in order to increase the flight distance.

The competitions took place and the winners and their airplanes are below. Well done to these children.

The children learnt about thrust, drag, lift and gravity.

A fun time was had by all! They enjoyed the practical nature of the activity and commented that this is the best way to learn.